Last week, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon addressed the nation to explain the Scottish Government’s routemap that will guide the country out of lockdown.
The routemap gives practical examples of what people, organisations and businesses can expect to see change over time.
If the evidence shows transmission of COVID-19 is under control and the number of infectious cases continue to decline the Scottish Government will consider moving to Phase 1 of the route map following the next end-of-cycle review date on 28 May.
The NHS Scotland test, trace, isolate and support system – known as Test and Protect – will be ready for expansion in all 14 health boards from 28 May.
A plan agreed between councils, professional associations and parent representatives to partially reopen schools from 11 August, subject to scientific advice that it is safe to do so, has also been published today.
Commenting, SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald said:
We all know that we can’t live this way forever and we all want to get back some sense of normality.
While we need to move carefully and gradually, the route map laid out today by the First Minister clearly sets out the steps that will take us there.
Too many people in Edinburgh and across Scotland have lost their lives to this disease and we can’t risk another peak – so we must move in line with our own circumstances.
We will get through this by working together by sticking to the advice to suppress the virus further and get back a way of life that is as close to normal as possible.