Seven Challenges From Seven Kingdoms: Challenge 2

The Seven Kingdoms of Wester Hailes Project have released the second in a series of seven challenges for local residents over the Summer.

1. ‘How should your home be “retrofitted” for the future?
Tell us how you feel about your home. Answer this small questionnaire below:

2. ‘How would you re-design your home?’
Draw, write, make a collage, or choose another creative way of showing us how you would re-design your home if you had the chance.

3. Submit
See the details below for where to send your response. To take part in the £20 prize draw for challenge #2 send your response before July 17, 2020. You can still send your ideas after that date but won’t be part of the draw.

The Seven Kingdoms project is looking for new ideas on how the area can develop in the future. Two Place Vision Leads, Marion & René, will be working with local residents, organisations, council officials and researchers at Napier University to explore the “Seven Kingdoms” of Wester Hailes through seven different themes that were developed from early engagement before Scotland went into lockdown.

You can find out more about the Seven Kingdoms Project here, or on their Facebook.

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