Blenham House Care Home Vacancies Randolph Hill Nursing Homes Group are looking for an Care Assistant to join their team at Blenham House nursing...
Let’s Talk at Wester Hailes Library NHS Lothian will be holding their next Let’s Talk, speech and language therapy drop-in at Wester Hailes library next...
Relaxing Balms Workshop B Healthy Together will be welcoming Grass Roots Remedies to hold a Relaxing Balms Workshop at St Nicholas Church...
Mental Health Co-ordinator Vacancy The Health Agency are looking to fill a Mental Health Co-ordinator Vacancy. The post is part-time working 16 hours...
Sunflower Pantry Coffee Morning The Clovenstone Sunflower Pantry will be holding a Coffee Morning on Tuesday 23 May 2023, 9.30am at the pantry,...
Local funding available for Book Week Scotland Book Week Scotland has opened a fund for community groups to help them take part in the annual celebration...
Sighthill Library Bookbug Big Shoogle It is Bookbug week and Sighthill Library will be celebrating by taking part in the Bookbg Big Shoogle on...
PHEW Group Sessions for Young People Space at the Broomhouse Hub People’s Health and Emotional wellbeing Service – PHEW run group sessions on Thursdays 6.00pm...
Doctor Bike with SCOREscotland SCOREscotland will be holding a Doctor Bike session outside WHALE Arts, on Friday 26 May 2023, 10.00am – 3.30pm....
Prospect Spring News Prospect Community Housing have released the Spring 2023 edition of their newsletter Prospectus. The newsletter contains information on how...