Broomhouse Youth Befriending Vacancies

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Space at the Broomhouse Hub are recruiting a Project Manager and a Project Worker post to work on their Youth Befriending Project.

The details for the posts are:

Youth Befriending Project Manager

Working part-time 18 hours per week over 3 days with a salary of  £31,175 pro-rata (actual starting salary £15,588).

The purpose of this role is to manage Space services that provide befriending to children and/or young people and their families. Ensuring quality, effectiveness, compliance and efficiency whilst holding the needs of the children/young people at the forefront.

The Project Manager will be a key leader in the Youth & Families team, building positive working relationships within Space and externally.

They will support the Head of Service to continually plan, monitor, assess and develop projects within the befriending services, and across the wider Youth & Families services.

They will be a role model for all staff and stakeholders, showing optimistic, determined and positive leadership

Youth Befriending Project Worker

Working full-time 36 hours per week including some evening and weekend hours and with a salary of £24,732 – £28,265 per year.

Space are seeking to recruit an experienced and enthusiastic Project Worker to join our expanding Youth Befriending Team as we increase our service, which currently covers South West Edinburgh, to take in the whole of the city.

The Project Worker will join our existing team of three staff who coordinate our volunteer based befriending service for young people aged 5-16 years who are affected by parental drug and/or alcohol use. Matches between volunteer befrienders and the young person last for a minimum of 12 months.

You can read the full job descriptions on the Space Broomhouse website, here for the project manager position and here for the project worker position. The closing date for both positions is Sunday 9 July 2023. To apply, please return a completed application form detailing how your skills and experience meet each required area of the person specification for the role to

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