Help Shape Edinburgh Libraries Services

Fancy the chance at winning a £50 Amazon voucher? Edinburgh Library are carrying out an online consultation asking young people how they can improve with entrants having the chance of winning one of five vouchers.

If you are 11-18 years old, have a few minutes to spare, and want your voice to be heard, it’s as simple as filling in our survey! Get your answers in before 19th May to be entered into a prize draw to win one of five £50 vouchers.

What is the survey about? Tell us about your local library! As part of our ‘No Going Back’ initiative, Edinburgh Libraries wants to know how we can improve to suit your needs.

You can either scan the below QR code, nip into your local library, or visit their website.

If you have any questions you can contact Wester Hailes Library, via telephone on 0131 529 5667, or via email at:, or speak to a member of the library team.

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