Wester Hailes Library will be holding the second Wester Hailes Science Festival during the upcoming April holidays!
They will be running a week of science based activities, all activities start at 2pm.
- Crime Scene Investigation – 2.00pm
Collect evidence and keep a keen eye on the clues to solve the mystery of our missing antique book. Age 6+. No need to book - Build the future – 2.00pm
Help us build the future and create structures and buildings using recycled materials.
Age 6+. No need to book - Bookbug and Baby Builders – 2.00pm
Join us for our usual songs and stories, as well as a STEM session using building blocks and sorting.Under 5s. No need to book - Beebots – 2.00pm
Come train our beebots and program them safely through our maze and around our map of Wester Hailes! Age 5+ No need to book
For more information get in touch with Wester Hailes library on 0131 529 5667 or westerhailes.library@edinburgh.gov.uk, or pop in to speak with a member of the library team.