The City of Edinburgh Council is recruiting an Early Years Officer position based at Hailesland Early Years Centre.
The post is temporary working full-time 36 hours per week until 30 August 2025 with a salary of £30,751 – £36,312 per year.
Job Purpose
The early years service delivers direct services to children in a variety of ways: in nursery schools, nursery classes, early years centres and Child and Family Centres.
The Early Years Officer (EYO) will act as key worker to individual children in the provision of the following services:
Delivery of the pre-school and birth to three curriculum
Promotion of welfare and wellbeing of children, including child protection
Supporting parents in a range of ways such as running parenting groups and advising parents how to care for their children;
Liaison with other staff and organisations to ensure that individual children are kept safe and input to the development of appropriate care packages;
Services to support children and their families delivered in partnership with schools, health staff and community education.
The age of children to whom services are delivered will depend on the establishment, but may cover children from 0-8 years old.
The principles of the Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) programme will underpin the postholder’s work eg putting the child at the centre; keeping the child safe; taking the whole child approach; working in partnership with families; co-ordinating help from across services and practitioners.
As an experienced practitioner, the EYO will support and mentor other staff within the team, sharing their knowledge and experience.
You can read the full job advertisement and apply for the post online here. The closing date for applications is 13 May 2024.