New campaign urges parents to take smoking outside A new campaign is being launched to urge parents to take smoking right outside, as statistics reveal that 11...
UK Government acts to improve e-cigarette safety The government has launched a number of measures to boost the safety of e-cigarettes in response to increasing concerns...
Stop smoking support group Smokefree NHS Lothian hold a support group for people trying to stop smoking at Wester Hailes Library on Tuesdays...
More Scots quitting smoking The Scottish Government has announced that the number of people who successfully gave up smoking for at least a month...
In the good old days – Health Minister urges Wester Hailes folk to stop smoking From The Sentinel of 1999 it appears that Health Minister Iain Gray MSP visited Wester Hailes. Were you there?...
Make your car a smoke-free zone The British Heart Foundation urge Wester Hailes parents to keep summer road trips smoke-free in a bid to protect...
British Heart Foundation on Smoking and Heart Disease Is there a link between smoking and heart disease? The British Heart Foundation certainly think so. Here they explain...