Willow Gardening Group Sessions The Willow Gardening Group is a gardening project run by The Health Agency which aims to help participants improve...
CommuniTea Medicine Growing sessions Grass Roots Remedies will be holding the second in a series of workshop inviting local people to join them to...
CommuniTea supported by WHCT The Wester Hailes Community Trust presented their latest award today to Grass Roots Remedies for an exciting new project...
Family Bird Walk from the Willow Garden The Willow Garden Project will be welcoming Rik Morley of Wester Hailes wildlife this Sunday, 13 August 2017, 1.30pm...
Free family herbal walk at the Willow Garden Grass Roots remedies will be holding a free family herbal walk and medicine making workshop in collaboration with the...
Free family herbal walks and medicine making workshops Grass Roots remedies have announced they will be running a series of free family herbal walks and medicine making...
An Update Vlog from Wester Hailes Wildlife and the Willow Gardening Group The Digital Sentinel recently paid a visit to the Calders Community Garden to have a chat in what will...