Wester Hailes Library Book Group

Wester Hailes library’s next meeting of their Book Group will take place on Friday 31 May 2024, 11.00am – 12.00pm discussing ‘Love is Blind’ by William Boyd.

When Brodie is offered a job in Paris, he seizes the chance to flee Edinburgh and his tyrannical clergyman father, and begin a wildly different new chapter in his life. In Paris, a fateful encounter with a famous pianist irrevocably changes his future – and sparks an obsessive love affair with a beautiful Russian soprano, Lika Blum. Moving from Paris to St Petersburg to Edinburgh and back again, Brodie’s love for Lika and its dangerous consequences pursue him around Europe and beyond, during an era of overwhelming change as the nineteenth century becomes the twentieth.

Love is Blind is a tale of dizzying passion and brutal revenge; of artistic endeavour and the illusions it creates; of all the possibilities that life can offer, and how cruelly they can be snatched away. At once an intimate portrait of one man’s life and an expansive exploration of the beginning of the twentieth century, Love is Blind is a masterly new novel from one of Britain’s best loved storytellers.

The group meets on the last Friday of the month for a discussion about the book alongside tea, coffee and biscuits. All of the books discussed in the group are available at the library either physically or online. Speak to a member of the library staff if you need help finding a copy.

Any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the library in person by speaking to a member of staff, via telephone on 0131 529 5667, or via email at westerhailes.library@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Wester Hailes Library Book Group

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