WHEC Plant Operator Vacancy The City of Edinburgh Council are looking to recruit a Plant Operator based at Wester Hailes Education Centre. The...
WHEC Plant Operator Vacancy The City of Edinburgh Council are looking to recruit Plant Operator based at Wester Hailes Education Centre. The post...
Edinburgh College Information Evening for Courses in Childcare Edinburgh College will be holding an information evening for anyone interested in one of their courses on Childcare at...
Educational Trust: Helping young people into higher education Wester Hailes Land Property Trust’s Educational Trust is open to help local young people who are interested in studying at...
Edinburgh College Access Courses Edinburgh College has released details of their Access Courses launching in September. The courses are for people who are...
Educational Trust announce 2017 deadline Wester Hailes Land Property Trust’s Educational Trust helps local young people who are interested in studying at University or...
Raising Children with Confidence at Gate 55 Raising children with confidence a new course which aims to help parents promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing...
University of Stirling research project The University of Stirling is looking for local people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans/transgender (LGBT) and have lived in...
Time to Act for Primary School Places Parents and carers are being reminded that Registration Week begins on Monday (7 November) for prospective primary school children...
Explore your local primary school Parents and carers are being urged to find out more about the exciting education on offer at their local...