Wester Hailes Community Council no January Meeting Wester Hailes Community Council would like to remind everyone that due to the festive break their next meeting will take...
Local drama group shortlisted for Epic award WHALE Arts are delighted to announce that their drama group, WHALEs Without a Cause, has been shortlisted for this...
Support library adult colouring groups Wester Hailes library as well as Sighthill and Ratho would like to ask you to vote for them in...
Get involved with your Community Council There is still time left to nominate yourself for the upcoming Community Council Election and become involved in your...
New Young Peoples Centre open and nominated for award Heathervale Young Peoples’ Centre, a newly opened residential care home for children aged 11 – 18 in Dumbryden, has reached...
Where you can vote! Here is a quick list of all the polling stations for tomorrow in the Wester Hailes area in case...
Where you can vote! Here is a quick list of all the polling stations for tomorrow in the Wester Hailes area of Edinburgh...
Referendum fever hits Wester Hailes The big day that would shape the future of our country hit Wester Hailes last Thursday with a little of the...