SCOREscotland win environmental impact award

SCOREscotland award

SCOREscotland won an award at the Ethnic Minority Impact Awards 2014 on Friday 24 October for the work they have done in helping the environment as part of their Green Futures Project.

The award was presented at the Ethnic Minority Impact Awards 2014 ceremony at the Crowne Plaza in Glasgow, with guest speaker Nicola Sturgeon the Deputy First Minister. Unfortunately no one from SCOREscotland was able to attend on the night.

SCOREscotlands’ Green Futures Project aims to help people save money and energy, help the environment and improve their health. The Project works towards maintaining the groups commitment to Scotland’s Climate Change Pledge for Communities.

SCOREScotland award pledge environment

The work carried out by SCOREscotland as part of the Green Futures Project includes:

Home Energy Advice Visits

Get advice on your heating system, lighting, hot water use, thermostates, double or secondary glazing, insulation and room ventilation. Help with understanding your gas/electricity bills; referral to energy saving support schemes. The visits have been very popular and the group is close to meeting their target of 150 visits.

Fuel efficient driving training

Free 50 minutes of fuel efficient driving training to give you tips on how to use less fuel, reduce carbon emissions, save money and the environment.

Women’s cycle and walking groups

The women’s cycling group aims to teach women to cycle who may have never been on a bike before or who only have a very basic knowledge of cycling. The hope being that by learning to cycle they will be less likely to use their car for shorter journeys. This could save money and the environment by using less fuel and would help keep the women healthy. The class has been a particular success with  the group teaching around 20 women when they initially had a target of only 12. You can read a success story from the cycling group in our interview with Sola.

The walking group for women provides a safe environment and hopes to encourage more women to walk around their local area stopping them from relying on the car and public transport. The groups walks to some of the more popular areas around the community such as Westside Plaza or Hailes Quarry Park. The hope is that this will not only help the women save the environment but enjoy it.

The classes organised by SCORE are aimed at those with an ethnic background but if someone is interested they wont be turned away.

Jolly from SCOREScotland had this to say about winning the award:

We are excited about winning the award, many times we don’t realise how much work we have done but it’s good to know there are organisations out there who have seen and appreciated the work we do. We would like to thank all the participants who have contributed  by being a part of the work we do.

If you would like to find out more about the Green Futures Project then you can phone 0131 442 2341, email Jolly on or pop in to the WHALE Arts Centre, 30 Westburn Grove.

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