WHALE Arts Seeking Local Board Members

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WHALE Arts is seeking new board members from the local community to help shape their work and strengthen the organisation. There is still time to submit your application with the application process closing on Wednesday 6 March 2024.

They are looking for people who care about the arts and creativity, the community and Wester Hailes.  

Joining the WHALE Arts Board 

In this round of board recruitment, they are appealing particularly for new local board members who, alongside other skills and expertise, can contribute valuable lived experience and knowledge of the local area. 

 They are especially interested in hearing from people with skills and experience in:  

  • knowledge of the local community, understanding the needs, interests and challenges in Wester Hailes. 
  • Practice as artists (musicians, writers, poets, dancers, performers, directors, painters, sculptors, etc.), designers and makers 
  • organisational skills like finance, HR, law, community development, building maintenance, IT, marketing, communications. 
  • supporting people with disabilities/new Scots/vulnerable adults, children and young people.  

They know there are lots of ways that someone can gain insight and experience, not just through a professional context. Ensuring that as an organisation, they have a diversity of voices on the board that represent the views and opinions of our local community is a vital part of our vision and values. 

There is no requirement for new board members to have previous board experience. New board members receive an induction and can access training to build their experience. 

If you are interested in joining the board but live outside these boundaries, they are still happy to hear from you and may keep your information on file for the next round of board recruitment.  

How do I apply? 

To apply, please fill out the short form located on the last page of THIS BOARD PACK and send it to info@whalearts.co.uk or pop in and fill in a paper copy at reception. 

Applications from interested individuals should be received by 5pm on Wednesday 6th March 2024.  

Please check if you live within the Wester Hailes membership boundary by using their area map.  

They welcome applications from those protected under the 2010 Equalities Act due to age, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. If there is anything they can do to make applying for or being part of their Board easier, please let them know and they will do as much as they can to ensure your experience is as equitable as possible. 

They want their Board to represent their local community, and would encourage anyone who feels they have something to offer WHALE Arts to get in touch.  

If you are interested and have any questions, please contact Kate Griffin at Kate@whalearts.co.uk or 0131 458 3267 who can also put you in touch with a current Trustee.  

They are happy to provide information in alternative formats. If you are unable to submit an application by email, please give us a call on 0131 458 3267 to discuss other options.  

You can read the full Board recruitment advert and download an application pack on the WHALE Arts website here.

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