Photo taken by Wester Hailes Edible Estates
Wester Hailes Edible Estates has released an update on their work with the children in Clovenstone Primary School. This time the children have been getting musical and have made a water xylophone!
Primary 3/4 had a great day. We started off by planting some broad beans in the school bed. We discovered that our original seedling’s had been eaten by mice! After our planting we made musical instruments out of recycled tubs and bottles. The children made a fabulous xylophone with coffee jars and water (we add food colouring for fun!). We also made a drum out of a wee tub and cling film wound 3 times around it and ‘shakers’ out of old water bottles and lentils. The kids had a great time trying out the water xylophone and trying to fill they’re jars with just the right amount of water! To finish we had a conga round the garden whilst some children played the xylophone and the conga group shook their rattles and played the drum. Much fun was had by all!

Photo taken by Wester Hailes Edible Estates
Primary 4 made a very cool water xylophone. We have definitely got some budding musicians in this class! The children took turns to pour more or less water into the jars to create different sounds.
We made some fabulous music. The garden came alive with sound as the kids played on the jars with spoons and we had some ‘table drums’ going on to accompany the water xylophone. Great work primary 4 and great fun
For more information about Edible Estates and their work with the children, visit their Facebook Page.