Several people came along to Wester Hailes Library on Wednesday to find out more about Men’s Sheds and the suggestion to have one in Wester Hailes. Tim Green from Age Scotland explained that the idea originally started in Australia and had been so successful that the government there was now supporting them. Now Men’s Sheds can be found in a number of different countries and have recently started up in Scotland.
Men’s Sheds are a place for men to come together and work on either individual projects or work together to make things that help the community. There’s a chance to share skills and learn new ones. All sorts of interests are welcome including woodwork, model making, cycle maintenance, DIY. Tim explained that it was up to each Men’s Shed what they wanted to work on and gave examples of “shedders” making book cases, planters, toys, and chairs for their local area. A Men’s Shed in Inverness even made nesting boxes for an endangered species of bird, the Leach Storm Petrel, to be used on St. Kilda!
After plenty of questions and discussion, it was agreed to look further at the idea of having a Men’s Shed based at the Calders Community Flat where there is suitable space available.
If you would like to get involved or find out more about Men’s Sheds, come along to the next meeting on Wednesday 9 March 2016 2.00pm at the Calders Community Flat in Dunsyre House, Calder Crescent. All welcome! For more information please contact Cath Tansey on 0131 458 5095.