Three chocolate microwave mug brownie recipe Apparently microwave mug cakes are the way to go! We have found this recipe for a chocolate brownie mug cake...
Punjabi Lobi Masala (Black Eyed Bean Curry) Recipe Our community reporter David Jacobs has sent us in a tasty recipe of Black Eyed Bean Curry for our recipe section...
Wholesome Chick Pea Soup Recipe Feeling a bit cold and need something to heat you up? Here is a tasty recipe for Chick Pea Soup...
Rabbia’s Triple Chocolate Cookie Recipe Yum! We have had this lovely recipe for yummy triple chocolate cookie’s sent in to our recipe section! Ingredients...
Cheese topped Vegetable Bake Feeling peckish? Be inspired by the Digital Sentinel Recipe section. Ingredients Small jacket potatoes Slender Broccoli Carrots Green beans...
Bacon Cheeseburger and Fries Soup recipe We want you to share your recipes! Here is a tasty recipe sent in to us for our new recipe...
Councillor’s Banana Fritter Recipe We want you to share your recipes! Here is a tasty recipe sent in to us for our new recipe...
Marta’s Broccoli Salad recipe We want you to share your recipes! Here is a tasty recipe for Marta’s Broccoli Salad sent in to us for...
Ice Cream Bread Recipe We want you to share your recipes! Here is a tasty recipe sent in to us for our new recipe...
Spicy Guacamole Dip recipe We want you to share your recipes! We are calling out to all the foodies out there to share...