Local MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon Macdonald, has released his latest newsletter for October 2023.
The newsletter contains details on a new Edinburgh South West locality Chief Inspector Paul Gillespie starting at Wester Hailes Police Station, that the Mixed Tenure Improvement Scheme (MTIS) in Murrayburn, Dumbryden and Hailesland has been shortlisted for Best Practice in Community Regeneration by SURF, Scotland’s regeneration forum, Information on how some Edinburgh Pentlands high schools rank in the Times Scottish School League Table 2023 lists, the news that peak rail fares are being scrapped for 6 months in a Scottish Government trial.
It also has news that planners have approved proposals to demolish Wester Hailes high school to make way for an energy-saving “superblock” with a top-floor library overlooking the canal, allotments, an orchard, a well-being hub, and an outdoor gym.
You can view an embedded version of the newsletter below or sign up on Gordon’s website here.