Wester Hailes Together: Coronavirus Update 25/3/20

The Wester Hailes Together Group has released the latest update on emergency provision and online activities available from local groups and organisations:

The Dove Centre
The Health Agency
Holy Trinity Church

The Dove Centre

The Dove Centre is continuing to deliver meals and essential shopping to their service users; from next week they will deliver meals and any requested shopping to their service users on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are also delivering weekly activity packs (boredom busters!) with things such as puzzles, crosswords, colouring pages and games to help keep minds active.


WHALE Arts are running a Community Takeaway on Friday 1.00pm – 2.00pm. People are invited to queue along the side of the building, with lunches served out by the decking. Please note to comply with the latest Government guidelines lunches must be taken away ande consumed at home and while queing participants must remain 2 metres apart.

WHALE is also preparing art packs for distribution to their participants to help keep kids entertained while the schools are closed and will be releasing online creative activities you can do at home.

Please get in touch with the WHALE Arts team if you need support or a conversation on 0131 458 3267 or by emailing info@whalearts.co.uk or by SMS text to 07926 613472.


The SCOREscotland Community Fridge will no longer be open to the public, instead offering delivery service to those in need. For more information contact SCOREscotland on 0131 442 2341.

The Health Agency

Active Steps Team are providing online exercise classes through the Health Agency Facebook page. They’ll be running sessions on yoga and movement so you can still keep up with your exercise.

The Health Agency will also be sharing information and resources which can support people with mental health conditions.

Wester Hailes Holy Trinity Church

The Holy Trinity Church will be livestreaming their Sunday worship on their Facebook as well as holding zoom sessions.


CHAI’s are continuing to provide advice by telephone.  To book a telephone appointment call 0131 442 2100.

They have also shared this handy factsheet outlining some of the support people may be entitled to during the outbreak.

Wester Hailes Together is a group of local community organisations, voluntary groups and support agencies in Wester Hailes, South West Edinburgh are working together to support the residents of Wester Hailes during this time of uncertainty due to the Coronavirus.

To send an update on local provision please contact us at  digitalsentinel@whalearts.co.uk and we will include it in the Wester Hailes Together Weekly Update on http://www.digitalsentinel.net/

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