Flexible Cleaning Operative Vacancy The City of Edinburgh Council are looking to recruit a Flexible Cleaning Operative based at Longstone Primary school working...
Family Communication Pop-ins The Speech and Language Communication Company will be holding a Family drop-in session on children communication development at Gate...
Odeon Cinema Host Vacancy Odeon are recruiting a Cinema Host based in their Wester Hailes cinema. The post has a salary based on...
Clovenstone Parent and Toddler group Clovenstone Community Centre Parent and Toddler group runs on Friday mornings 9.30am – 11.30am at the Centre. The sessions...
Fuel Youth Cafe Holy Trinity Church The Holy Trinity Church Bridge Café will be launching Fuel a new youth café for young people in Friday...
Me and You Movement and Dance Sessions Scottish Youth Dance will be holding Me and You, Movement and Dance sessions for young parents and their children...
‘Grow Your Own’ Beginner Workshops Wester Hailes Growing Communities are running a 4-week ‘Grow Your Own’ beginner’s course to get any budding gardeners started growing...
Health Agency to offer Yoga Classes The Health Agency is happy to announce that they will soon be offering Yoga Classes. These will be in...
Lothian Announce Upcoming Bank Holiday Service Lothian has announced they will operate a Saturday service during the upcoming Jubilee Bank Holiday on Thursday 2 and...
WHALE Arts Sit-down Community Meal WHALE Arts will be holding a sit-down community meal this Friday, 27th May 2022, 1.00pm – 2.00pm. WHALE run...