Nature Nurturers Gardening Group The Health Agency is excited to announce they will be launching a new gardening group, “Nature Nurturers” for girls...
Hailesland Early Years Officer Vacancy The City of Edinburgh Council is recruiting an Early Years Officer position based at Hailesland Early Years Centre. The...
Sew and Repair Monday Drop-in Wester Hailes library will be holding a series of Monday Sew and Repair drop-in sessions as part of their...
SCOREscotland Looking for Volunteer Drivers SCOREscotland are looking for people interested in being volunteer drivers to support their Community Fridge. They are looking for...
What if Women Designed the City Workshop WHALE Arts will be holding a Workshop with May East who has recently released a book asking What If...
Customer Assistant Vacancy at Lidl Lidl has announced that they are looking to fill a Customer Assistant vacancy in their Wester Hailes store. There...
Pedal, Walk and Thrive with SCOREscotland SCOREscotland are excited to announce they will be launching Pedal, Walk and Thrive a new active travel project. The...
Fun Run 2024 Registration Opens Registration has now opened for Wester Hailes Fun Run 2024! You can register online on Eventbrite here, by scanning...
Health Agency Receptionist Vacancy The Health Agency is currently recruiting for a Receptionist vacancy. The post is part-time 24 hours per week with...
Wee Dram: Drama at WHALE Arts WHALE Arts is happy to announce Wee Dram, drop-in drama sessions for adults, starting April 29 2024, 10.00am –...