Puppet Animation Festival comes to WHALE There is still space for the first performance of the upcoming Puppet Animation Festival at WHALE Arts Centre on...
Sighthill Park cleanup a sunny success! There was an excellent turnout at a cleanup of Sighthill Park last Friday. The cleanup was organised by Health...
WHALE Growing Space launch The WHALE Arts Centre launched their new growing space last Friday in some early spring sunshine! The launch had...
Sighthill Library crafts this Easter Sighthill Library will be holding a series of craft based events every day during the Easter holidays. The events...
Edible Estates Weekend Sessions Edible Estates has released the following update on their their facebook page regarding their weekend sessions: Hi Calders growers,...
City attractions to get free wi-fi Residents and visitors in Edinburgh are to benefit from free wif-fi in 70 public buildings across the city as...
Relaxation Therapy with Health All Round Health All Round are starting a relaxation therapy group for people with a long-term condition. The group will meet...
Fire at Murrayburn primary school bus Firefighters responded to a blaze yesterday in the grounds of Murrayburn primary school which destroyed the Murrayburn bus. Two...
Lothian Buses announce fare changes Lothian Buses have announced that they will be making changes to their fares from Sunday 19 April 2015. The...
Businesses get another year to get connected Small to medium sized businesses in Edinburgh are to be given another year to apply for vouchers, which could...