Coorie In at the Pod Café WHALE Arts are offering a free two course meal at their ‘Coorie in’ Event this Friday, 3 February 2023,...
Health Agency Diabetes Workshop The Health Agency will be holding a special one off workshop on diabetes, on Monday 6 February 2023, 1.00pm,...
Depute Manager Vacancy: Clovenstone Care Home The City of Edinburgh Council are hiring a Depute manager position based at Clovenstone House care home. The post...
Free Lunch every Friday: WHALE Community Meal WHALE Arts offer a free delicious home cooked lunch every Friday 1.00pm – 2.00pm at their Community Meal. The...
Reconnect with The Health Agency The Health Agency will be running Reconnect, a series of workshops aimed at helping people with social anxiety. The...
WHALE Pod Café Grand Opening WHALE Arts is happy to announce that their new Pod Café will be officially opening on Thursday 2 February...
SCOREscotland Multicultural Café SCOREscotland will be holding a Multicultural Café on the last Monday of the month, starting Monday 30 January 2023,...
Customer Assistant Vacancy at Lidl Lidl has announced that they are currently looking to fill a Customer Assistant vacancy in their Wester Hailes store....
Plans for New Affordable Housing Approved The City of Edinburgh Council has approved plans to build affordable housing, opposite Westside Plaza on the site of...
SCOREscotland Music Group SCOREscotland will be launching a new music group at the Community Wellbeing Space at Westside Plaza every Friday 3.00pm...