Roadworks Around Wester Hailes The City of Edinburgh Council have released information and updates on roadworks which will be taking place around Wester Hailes...
Festive Wreath Making Workshop Wester Hailes Growing Communitieswill be holding a Festive Wreath Making Workshop at Clovenstone Community Centre during the Sunflower Pantry...
Community One Stop Shop Support at the Calders The Community One Stop Shop in partnership with the Calder Residents Association will be offering community support sessions on...
Young People charged after Anti-social Behaviour at Westside Plaza Three young people have been reported after a spate of anti-social behaviour at Westside Plaza last week. Two 13-year-old...
SCOREscotland Community Fridge New Location SCOREscotland have announced a change in times and location for the Thursday session of their Community Fridge. The fridge...
Glory and Dismay: The Story of Football Space and the Broomhouse Hub will be holding Glory and Dismay: The Story of Football a new course for...
Bus Diversions Due to Calder Road Roadworks Lothian Buses have released information on a series of diversions to local buses due to roadworks taking place on...
Lend and Mend Hub Open Booking Wester Hailes Library is happy to announce their lend and mend Hub is now open for booking! The Lend...
Health Agency Seeking Walk Leader Volunteers The Health Agency are currently looking for volunteers to be trained as Health Walk Leaders and accompany their walkers...
Wester Hailes Library ESOL Classes Space at the Broomhouse Hub are holding regular ESOL Classes at Wester Hailes Library. There are two classes, taking...