Company Shop Seasonal Sales Assistant Vacancies The Company Shop group are looking to fill two Seasonal Sales Assistant Vacancies at their Wester Hailes store. Details...
WHALE Arts Digital Skills Support Drop-ins WHALE Arts holds regular digital skills support drop-ins to give a helping hand with all things digital. The sessions are...
Planning Futures for Parents Course Are you a parent that is currently unemployed? Are you working towards building a career and would like practical...
Council Damp and Mould Event The Edinburgh Tenants Forum in partnership with City of Edinburgh Council will be holding a Damp and Mould event...
Chatter Books at Wester Hailes library Chatter Books is a free children’s book club for those aged 8 – 12, where children can share books...
Prospect Autumn News Prospect Community Housing have released the Autumn 2023 edition of their newsletter Prospectus. The newsletter contains information on the...
Local MSP Urges Residents To Shape Delivery Of Winter Payment Local MSP Gordon Macdonald has urged residents across the city to take part in the Scottish Government’s consultation on...
British Heart Foundation Sales Assistant The British Heart Foundation are looking to recruit a Sales Assistant position in their Wester Hailes store. The post...
Edinburgh Trams Announce Reduced Service Edinburgh Trams have announced a reduced service from 7.00pm to 7.00am from Friday October 27 to Sunday 12 November...
Iceland Wester Hailes Vacancies Iceland are looking to recruit a Retail Assistant and Home Delivery Driver position based in their Wester Hailes store....