Edinburgh Playday Looking for something to do in the Summer holidays? The City of Edinburgh Council, Early Years, in partnership with...
Calders Day celebration The Calders Residents Association has organised a Calders Day celebration this Saturday 25 July 2015, 12.00pm – 4.00pm at...
Cooking with Kids with Broomhouse Health Strategy Group Broomhouse Health Strategy Group are running their Cooking With Kids classes this summer at St David’s Broomhouse Church. Two sessions...
Open All Hours at WHEC Looking for something new to do over the Summer? Open All Hours provides two hours of fantastic activities at...
Summer Bounce Tucks, somersaults and twist moves are some of the skills to be learnt at the WHEC’s Summer Trampoline Camps...
Summer Activities: Clovenstone Community Centre events and trips Clovenstone Community Centre has an action packed summer programme full of all kinds of exciting classes and events. Their...
Summer Activities: WHALE Arts updated Summer programme Due to unforseen circumstances WHALE Arts have had to change some of the times for their summer activities: please...
Lothian Buses Family DAYticket provides discounts across City Lothian Buses have announced that they are working with several organisations across the city to let you get a...
Summer Activities: Cooking with kids sessions Broomhouse Health Strategy Group have organised some special Cooking With Kids summer sessions at St Davids Broomhouse Church. Two...
Wester Hailes Wildlife Batwalk Wester Hailes Wildlife will be taking part in a very special bat walk on Thursday 16 July 2015, 9.00pm...