Edible Estates Presentation and Tour There was a presentation and tour by Wester Hailes Edible Estates last week, highlighting some of the work they...
Community Council meeting Wester Hailes Community Council will be meeting on Wednesday 29 October 6.00 – 7.45pm in Wester Hailes Library. The meeting...
Living Wage Week discussed by council There was a deputation from UNITE Edinburgh making a presentation to the council about the importance of Living Wage Week...
Edinburgh’s achievements celebrated at City Chambers The full meeting of the City of Edinburgh Council on Thursday 23 October marked the tenth anniversary of Edinburgh becoming the...
Kaleidoscope: Aff The Menu Aff The Menu Alex, my breakfast menu usually consists of toast with LOCKERBIE butter (they’re all ‘ NO ‘...
Clovenstone Community Centre AGM Clovenstone Community Centre, 54 Clovenstone Park, will hold their AGM on Thursday 6 November 2014 at 6.00pm and all are...
Kaleidoscope: Fajita Fajita A man bought a Fajita he immediately regretted his decision but he was a big eater so he...
WHALE Arts Agency AGM The WHALE Arts Agency will hold its AGM on Tuesday 11 November 2014 at 7.00pm at the WHALE Arts Centre, 30...
Kaleidoscope: Diatribe Diatribe Dear Nicola don’t take my diatribes too seriously I’m just a Crackerbarrel philosopher with an axe to grind...
Basic Bushcraft for families Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust will be holding a free Basic Bushcraft for Families workshop on Saturday 6 December...