Fitness for Women starting a new term in Broomhouse The new term of ‘Fitness for Women’ begins on Monday 3 November at 10am – 11am at St David’s...
Which stories matter to you? We are conscious that all of our stories are sourced by us along with some others who Submit...
Council to scrap trade waste bins A scheme to minimise trade waste on the city’s streets is to be rolled out across Edinburgh following a...
Health Agency AGM: Unmoved by new bus stop plans The Health Agency held their AGM last week at the Healthy Living Centre. Three board members stepped down but were re-elected...
Sign up for a guided tour of Holyrood There will be a guided tour of the Scottish Parliament on Saturday 15 November 1.45pm – 3.00pm. The tour...
Kaleidoscope: Yes/No Haikus Yes/No Haikus Alex, I am a Redcoat Hanoverian so I do not wish to inhale the hallucinatory smoke o’...
New drop in service for young people A new drop-In service, Connection 4U, for 16 – 25 year olds will be held at Clovenstone Community Centre...
Write On! new writing group A new writing group for people in South Edinburgh will be running once a week for 6 weeks. The...
Man hospitalised after fire A man has been taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation after a fire in Morvenside Close on Tuesday 21...
Social History Walk a success Great fun was had by everyone on Thursday’s Social History Walk. The group met at The Health Agency and...