Health All Round Writing Workshop Health All Round will be holding their annual Writing Workshops on Thursday 19 September 2019, 2.30pm – 4.30pm at...
Need Help with Computers and IT? Want to learn new skills or need help with computers? Want to look for a job online and don’t...
B Healthy Together AutumnWhat’s On B Healthy Together, formerly the Broomhouse Health Strategy Group, have released their Autumn programme, detailing all the great activities...
Community Get Together at WHALE Arts The Friday community meal is taking a short break but in the meantime, WHALE Arts would like to invite...
Customer Assistant Vacancy at Lidl Lidl has announced that they are currently looking to fill a Customer Assistant vacancy in their Wester Hailes store....
Wester Hailes Library: Classics Club Wester Hailes library will be launching Classics Club a new group for lovers of older films on Monday 26...
Clovenstone Parent and Toddler Group Clovenstone Community Centre run a Clovenstone Parent and Toddler Group every Friday, 9.30am – 11.30am. The group is for...
Hailes Quarry Park Bee Bank If you’ve been in Hailes Quarry Park recently you might have noticed a new mound of earth has appeared. ...
Success for local pub in Sighthill Cup 2019 The Sighthill Cup 2019 took place at Sighthill Bowling Club on Saturday 3 August 2019. Four teams of six...
Fairstart Scotland Drop in at WHALE Arts Nicole from StartScotland will be coming to WHALE Arts tomorrow, Friday 16 August 2019, from 12.30pm to hold a...