Edinburgh Council Announce Closure of City Venues and School Trips The City of Edinburgh Council have given the following update announcing the closure of city venues and cancellation of...
Space Kitchen Cafe running £1 Takeaway Menu Space Kitchen, located in the Broomhouse Hub have announced that they will be running the £1 menu every day...
Edinburgh Science Festival cancelled in response to Covid-19 pandemic Following close monitoring of the ever-changing situation regarding the global spread of COVID-19 and having held discussions with key...
Local MSP releases March newsletter Local MSP for the Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon Macdonald has released his latest newsletter for March 2020. The newsletter contains...
Wester Hailes Medical Practice Corona Virus Update: 16/03/20 Wester Hailes Medical Practice has today 16 March 2020 released the following update in regards to the Coronavirus outbreak....
Home Bargains Store Team Member Vacancy Home Bargains are looking to recruit a Store Team member to join them in their Wester Hailes store. The...
Two Youths charged in Connection with Fire Raising Police can confirm that two 16-year-old male youths have been charged in connection with willful fire-raising following a fire...
Firefighters tackling blaze at WHEC Firefighters from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are tackling a blaze that has broken out at WHEC this...
Wester Hailes Medical Practice Coronavirus Update Wester Hailes Medical Practice have released the following update in regards to the Coronavirus outbreak and medical appointments. As...
Garden Kitchen Return Postponed UPDATE: The return of the Garden Kitchen has been postponed due to Coronavirus. We will provide updates when new...