Bridge Community Cafe Manager Vacancy The Holy Trinity Church is recruiting a Cafe Manager position for the Bridge Community Cafe. The post is part...
CAP Community Manager Vacancy Wester Hailes Holy Trinity Church are recruiting a Christians Against Poverty Community Manager position working 2 days per week....
Holy Trinity Church Light Party Holy Trinity Church are excited to be hosting their annual Light Party! It is open for any children of...
Community Cafe Manager Vacancy The Holy Trinity Church is looking to hire a Community Cafe Manager for the Bridge Community Cafe. The post...
Edinburgh’s Holy Trinity Church Foodbank receives donation to support community Edinburgh’s Holy Trinity Church Foodbank is celebrating after receiving £1,000 to continue supporting the local community of Wester Hailes....
The Bridge Café Warm Space The Bridge Café is open from 8.30am each Wednesday to Friday as a “Warm Space”, with free tea and...
Bridge Cafe seek Volunteer Coordinator/Cafe Manager Holy Trinity Church is looking for a Volunteer Co-ordinator/Cafe Manager for the Bridge Community Cafe in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh. The post...
Light Party at Holy Trinity Church Holy Trinity Church will be hosting a Light Party tomorrow, Saturday October 2022, 5.30pm – 7.00pm. The party will...
Bridge Cafe seek Volunteer Coordinator/Cafe Manager Holy Trinity Church is looking for a Volunteers Co-ordinator/Cafe Manager for the Bridge Community Cafe in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh. The post...
Steps to Employment Course starting at Holy Trinity Church Holy Trinity Church are launching a Steps to Employment course on Thursday 22nd September from 1.30pm to 3.00pm. Run...